
Вторник 20 июня / Tuesday 20 June

10:30 – 11:30 заседание утро-1 / morning session-1

Панасюк Михаил Игоревич (НИИЯФ МГУ)

Вступительное слово

Белов Анатолий Владимирович (ИЗМИРАН)

Выбросы солнечного вещества, корональные дыры, Форбуш-эффекты

12:00 – 13:30 заседание утро-2 / morning session-2

Spiering Christian (DESY)

IceCube's high energy neutrinos: atmospheric vs. cosmic contributions

Kuzmichev Leonid Alexandrovich (SINP MSU) for TAIGA collaboration

TAIGA observatory: Multi-TeV Gamma-ray astronomy and CR in the “knee” region

Sveshnikova Lyubov Georgievna (SINP MSU) and TAIGA collaboration

Search for gamma-ray emission above 50 TeV from Crab Nebula with the TAIGA detector

Grinyuk Andrei Anatolyevich (JINR)

Space experiment TUS

14:30 – 16:00 заседание вечер-1 / evening session-1

Krainev Mikhail Borisovich (LPI RAS)

Challenges remaining in the long-term modulation of cosmic rays in the heliosphere

Munini Riccardo (INFN)

Ten years of solar modulation results with the PAMELA experiment

Bogomolov Edward Alexandrovich (Ioffe Institute) from PAMELA Collaboration

Modulation of H and He isotopes from the PAMELA data 2006-2014

Yanke Victor Gugovich (IZMIRAN)

The secular changes in the rigidity of geomagnetic cutoff caused by variations in the centuries of the geomagnetic field, and variations in cosmic rays

Leonov Alexey Anatolievich (MEPhI)

GAMMA-400 detailed survey of high-energy gamma-ray emission from active astrophysical sources and Sun after the Fermi-LAT mission

16:30 – 18:00 заседание вечер-2 / evening session-2

Borisov Alexander Sergeevich (LPI RAS)

Energy spectra of the primary cosmic radiation

Lukyashin Anton Viktorovich (ITEP/MEPhI)

Energy spectrum of nucleons of the primary cosmic radiation at energies 0.1-10000 TeV

Роденко Светлана Александровна (НИЯУ МИФИ) и коллаборация ПАМЕЛА

Регистрация в околоземном космическом пространстве солнечных космических лучей с энергией > 45 МэВ по данным спектрометров ПАМЕЛА и АРИНА


Среда 21 июня / Wednesday 21 June

10:00 – 11:30 заседание утро-1 / morning session-1

Chiavassa Andrea (Universita di Torino)

Experimental results in the 1016-1018 eV energy range

Шаулов Сергей Борисович (ФИАН)

Новая, ядерно-физическая интерпретация колена в спектре ШАЛ

Stenkin Yuri Vasilievich (INR RAS)

On cosmic ray energy spectrum in PeV region

Kokoulin Rostislav Pavlovich (MEPhI)

Investigation of muon bundles at large zenith angles with NEVOD-DECOR complex

12:00 – 13:30 заседание утро-2 / morning session-2

Дорман Лев Исаакович (ИЗМИРАН, ЦКЛКП)

Проникновение КЛ в динамическую магнитосферу и их влияние на атмосферу

Bazilevskaya Galina Alexandrovna (LPI RAS)

Features of energetic magnetospheric electron precipitation in the year of highest precipitation rates (1994)

Mikhailov Vladimir Vladimirovich (MEPhI) for the PAMELA collaboration

Trapped positrons and electrons in inner radiation belt

Дорман Лев Исаакович (ИЗМИРАН, ЦКЛКП)

На пути создания автоматической системы предсказания уровня радиационной опасности от космических лучей для объектов в магнитосфере и межпланетном пространстве

14:30 – 16:00 заседание вечер-1 / evening session-1

Турундаевский Андрей Николаевич (НИИЯФ МГУ)

Энергетические спектры протонов и ядер гелия, измеренные в эксперименте НУКЛОН

Panov Alexander Dmitrievich (SINP MSU)

Energy spectra of cosmic ray heavy nuclei in the NUCLEON space experiment after two years of data acquisition

Borisov Alexander Sergeevich (LPI RAS)

The study of super high energy gamma-rays with HADRON-55 complex setup located at an altitude of 3340 m above sea level

Gromushkin Dmitry Mikhailovich (MEPhI)

Cosmic ray energy spectrum in the PeV region measured by means of PRISMA-32

16:15 – 17:55 заседание вечер-2 / evening session-2

Getmanov Victor Grigorievich (GC RAS)

A model of the formation of images of the moving coronal mass ejections on a sequence of muon hodoscope information matrices

Sdobnov Valery Evgenevich (ISTP SB RAS)

Spectra and anisotropy during the first GLE event of Solar Cycle 24

Astapov Ivan Ivanovich (MEPhI)

Investigation of muon flux anisotropy during non-geoeffective CMEs in 2016

Borog Vladimir Viktorovich (MEPhI)

Identification of geoeffective perturbations of the solar wind in the flux of cosmic ray muons

Подгорный Игорь Максимович (Институт астрономии РАН)

Солнечные космические лучи – происхождение и распространение


Четверг 22 июня / Thursday 22 June

10:00 – 11:30 заседание утро-1 / morning session-1

Zirakashvili Vladimir Nikolayevich (IZMIRAN)

Cosmic ray acceleration by shock waves with regular electric fields

Gladilin Petr Evgenevich (Ioffe Institute)

Galactic PeVatrons in young star clusters

Dzhatdoev Timur Akhmatovich (MSU)

Intergalactic electromagnetic cascade component of observable blazar emission

12:00 – 13:30 заседание утро-2 / morning session-2

Бенгин Виктор Владимирович (ИМБП РАН)

Долговременные вариации радиационной обстановки на орбите МКС и оценка степени радиационного риска

Borkut Irina Konstantinovna (MEPhI)

27-day variation of GCR research based on PAMELA and ARINA experimental data in 2007-2008

Garzon Juan (Univ. Santiago de Compostela) on behalf of the TRAGALDABAS collaboration

Cosmic ray physics with the TRAGALDABAS detector

Perov Stanislav Petrovich (Журнал "Земля и Вселенная")

Синхронизация процессов в космосе и на Земле

14:30 – 16:00 заседание вечер-1 / evening session-1

Бенгин Виктор Владимирович (ИМБП РАН)

Charged particles radiation measurements with Liulin-MO dosimeter of FREND instrument aboard ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter during the transit and in high elliptic Mars orbit

Anokhin Mikhail Vsevolodovich (SINP MSU)

Microtopology of charge distribution in ionizing particles fields formed by cosmic rays on spacecrafts

Koudriavtsev Igor Vladimirovich (Ioffe Institute)

Reconstruction of the atmospheric radiocarbon production rate from the end of last glaciation before the mid-Holocene

16:30 – 18:00 заседание вечер-2 / evening session-2

Khomyakov Vasiliy Alexandrovich (MEPhI)

Spatial distribution of Cherenkov light from cascades in water as a basis of methods for selecting cascades and reconstructing their parameters

Bogdanov Alexey Georgievich (MEPhI)

Dependence of muon bundle energy deposit on zenith angle and muon density

Yashin Igor Ivanovich (MEPhI)

Multi-component investigations of cosmic rays with the Experimental complex NEVOD

Khokhlov Semen Sergeevich (MEPhI)

Investigation of UHE cosmic ray anisotropy by means of detection of muon bundles in the coordinate tracking detector DECOR


Постерная сессия / Poster session

  1. Koryukin Valery (Mari State University). The quantum theory of the gravitation and “black holes” as cosmic rays sources of ultrahigh energies
  2. Osipov Sergey (Ioffe Institute). Superdiffusive cosmic ray acceleration in supernova shells
  3. Zirakashvili Vladimir (IZMIRAN). Determining the spectra for evolutionary sources of extragalactic cosmic rays
  4. Okorokov Vitalii (MEPhI). Ultra-high energy cosmic ray measurements and asymptotic regime for nucleon-nucleon total cross-section
  5. Likiy Oleg (MEPhI). Cluster type NEVOD-EAS shower array
  6. Shulzhenko Ivan (MEPhI). Cluster approach to the NEVOD-EAS experimental data analysis
  7. Postnikov Evgeny (SINP MSU). Analysis of the first IACT data and MC simulation of the TAIGA experiment
  8. Abeer Elshoukrofy (SINP MSU). Practical application of the new 'knee-like' approximation of Cherenkov light lateral distribution produced by EAS in the Earth atmosphere
  9. Unatlokov Islam (MEPhI). Multisector scintillation detector of the NEVOD-EAS project
  10. Prokopenko Nikolay (MEPhI). Registration system of NEVOD-EAS setup with clusters of multisector scintillation detectors
  11. Yurin Konstantin (MEPhI). The URAN Installation for recording electron-photon and neutron components of the EAS
  12. Shchegolev Oleg (INR RAS). Cosmic ray mass composition above 1 PeV as measured by PRISMA-32
  13. Bulan Alexander (MEPhI). A combined analysis of multiparticle events detected at the Experimental complex NEVOD
  14. Kovalev Igor (SINP MSU). Cosmic ray secondary nuclei in the NUCLEON space experiment after two years of data acquisition
  15. Tkachenko Artur (JINR). Trigger system for NUCLEON space experiment
  16. Kurganov Aleksandr (SINP MSU). Heavy isotopes cosmic ray spectrometer (HICRS) for the NUCLEON-2 mission
  17. Zadeba Egor (MEPhI). New coordinate-tracking setup based on drift chambers for muon bundles registration
  18. Volkov Nickolai (MEPhI). The test bench for multi-wire drift chambers amplifiers
  19. Vorobyev Vladislav (MEPhI). Reconstruction of muon bundles with the new coordinate-tracking setup based on drift chambers
  20. Петров Игорь (ИКФИА). Методические вопросы поиска гамма-квантов и нейтрино на Якутской установке
  21. Khaerdinov Nail (INR RAS). Local continuous luminosity of the mid-latitude night sky in thunderstorm periods
  22. Khaerdinov Mikhail (INR RAS). Maximal possible potential difference in the stratosphere as derived from ground-based measurements of variations of secondary cosmic rays
  23. Kozliner Lev (YerPhI). Measurements of the energy spectra of TGE gamma ray flux on Aragats mountain
  24. Karapetyan Tigran (YerPhI). In situ measurements of the runaway breakdown (relativistic runaway electron avalanche) on Aragats: experimental data and models
  25. Karapetyan Tigran (YerPhI). On the initiation of lightning in thunderclouds
  26. Kovylyaeva Anna (MEPhI). Observation of Forbush decreases and atmospheric phenomena measured by means of muon hodoscope URAGAN and scintillation muon hodoscope
  27. Dmitrieva Anna (MEPhI). Investigation of the influence of the shape of the primary cosmic ray spectrum on the local anisotropy of the muon flux
  28. Sidorov Roman (GC RAS). Filtering of the data from the muon hodoscope matrices based on two-dimensional sliding piecewise-linear models with weighted averaging
  29. Яковлева Елена (НИЯУ МИФИ). A technique for identification of relativistic solar neutrons using a ground-based muon hodoscope
  30. Goryacheva Victoria (MEPhI). Method of solar neutron search with PAMELA neutron detector
  31. Barbashina Natalia (MEPhI). Investigation of atmospheric effects with URAGAN muon hodoscope
  32. Yanke Victor (IZMIRAN). The temperature effect of the muon component observed on a cosmic-ray spectrograph in Yakutsk
  33. Кузьменко Василий (ИНГГ СО РАН). Расчет функции распределения плотности температурных коэффициентов для мюонов в атмосфере
  34. Abdulina Julia (MEPhI). Influence of atmospheric pressure on counting rate of neutrons in unshielded detectors
  35. Zaitseva Daria (MEPhI). Influence of meteorological effects on the intensity of near-horizontal cosmic ray muons
  36. Kokoulin Rostislav (MEPhI). Variations in the intensity of muon bundles detected at the ground level
  37. Белов Анатолий (ИЗМИРАН). База данных Форбуш-эффектов и межпланетных возмущений
  38. Lagoida Ilya (MEPhI). Some characteristics of Forbush decreases during PAMELA experiment
  39. Krainev Mikhail (LPI RAS). On the connection between the 27-day variations in the heliospheric characteristics and the GCR intensity
  40. Malakhov Vitaly (MEPhI). Method of measuring a low energy part of proton spectra during whole solar cycle by stopping in the calorimeter of the PAMELA spectrometer
  41. Sdobnov Valery (ISTP SB RAS). Variations in the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity during the 2015 March magnetic storm
  42. Rodkin Denis (LPI RAS). Formation of Solar Wind Transients in active processes at the Sun on 4 – 7 August 2011
  43. Maurchev Eugeny (PGI). Calculations of ionization in the Earth atmosphere during the greatest ground level enhancement (GLE 65 AND GLE 67)
  44. Vasiliev Sergey (Ioffe Institute). Long-term cycles in the concentration of cosmogenic radionuclides: sources of variations
  45. Aleksandrin Sergey (MEPhI). Energy spectra of electron bursts formed by precipitations from the inner radiation belt.
  46. Mikhailova Julia (MEPhI). The formation mechanism of the high energy electrons and positrons radiation belt
  47. Bakunina Irina (Higher School of Economics). Oscillation processes in Neutral Line Associated Sources in flare-productive solar active regions
  48. Подгорный Игорь (ИА РАН). Солнечные космические лучи – происхождение и распространение
  49. Подгорный Александр (ФИАН). Токовый слой – генератор космических лучей
  50. Troitskaya Evgenia (SINP MSU). About models of solar atmosphere density
  51. Дайбог Елена (НИИЯФ МГУ). Новый параметр в описании события СКЛ - энергия баланса между солнечными и галактическими протонами
  52. Лукашенко Анастасия (НИИЯФ МГУ). Классификационные схемы гелиосферной плазмы
  53. Sibatov Renat (Ulyanovsk State University). Tempered fractional Parker equation for transient superdiffusion of cosmic rays in interplanetary medium
  54. Zolotarev Ivan (SINP MSU). The analysis of charged particles flux spikes in DEPRON data
  55. Germanenko Aleksei (PGI). Effects in background gamma radiation fluxes on the Barentsburg-Apatity-Rostov-on-Don station row
  56. Дробышев Сергей (ИМБП РАН). Влияние пространственной ориентации Международной космической станции и космонавта на дозу облучения в анизотропном поле высокоэнергичных протонов Южно-атлантической аномалии
  57. Shustov Alexander (MEPhI). Scintillation detector for the device SIGNAL of the spacecraft “Interhelioprobe”
  58. Alexander Novikov (MEPhI). Data acquisition system for experiment “Signal” onboard spacecraft “Interhelioprobe”
  59. Shustov Alexander (MEPhI). Measurement methods of charged particle registration efficiency of a plastic scintillation detector prototype for an anticoincidence system of the “SIGNAL” experiment
  60. Агафонова, Наталья (ИЯИ РАН). Моделирование эксперимента по изучению нейтронов на LVD
  61. Podorozhny D. (SINP MSU). The HERO (High-Energy Ray Observatory) simulation
  62. Кишев Мурат (НИЯУМИФИ). Изучение вариаций потоков электронов и позитронов в эксперименте «ПАМЕЛА»
  63. Kleymenova Svetlana (MEPhI). The method of separation of electrons and protons in the calorimeter of the PAMELA instrument
  64. Okhlopkov V. (SINP MSU). Index of linear configurations of the planets of Venus, Earth, Jupiter and solar activity
  65. Перов С.П. («Земля и Вселенная» РАН). Синхронизация процессов в космосе и на Земле
  66. Veretenenko Svetlana (Ioffe Institute). Short-term effects of solar and galactic cosmic rays on the development of dynamic processes at extratropical latitudes of the Northern hemisphere
  67. Arkhangelskaja Irene (MEPhI). Redshift distribution analysis results for gamma-ray bursts registered by Fermi/LAT
  68. Kheymits Maxim (MEPhI). Reconstruction of incident direction of high-energy gamma-ray particles with the GAMMA-400 γ-ray space telescope
  69. Egorov Andrey (LPI RAS). Detection of dark matter subhalos by GAMMA-400 telescope
  70. Runtso Mikhail (MEPhI). The determination of GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope triggering scintillation detectors properties by multidimensional analysis
  71. Chasovikov Evgeny (MEPhI). Mathematical modeling of low-energy particle influence on operation of orbital gamm-telescope GAMMA-400
  72. Arkhangelskaja Irene (MEPhI). The applicability of GAMMA-400 lateral aperture to solar flares investigation
  73. Архангельский Андрей (НИЯУ МИФИ). Физическая схема гамма-телескопа ГАММА-400 и особенности ее реализации в космическом проекте ГАММА-400
  74. Zarubin Pavel (JINR). Exploration of the Hoyle state in dissociation of relativistic 12C nuclei nuclear track emulsion
  75. Zarubin Pavel (JINR). Recent applications of nuclear track emulsion technique
  76. Besson Dave (Kanzas University). Applications of silicon photomultipliers to measurement of ultra-high energy cosmic ray protons and neutrinos
  77. Koldobskiy Sergey (MEPhI). Solar modulation of the galactic deuteron spectrum measured with the PAMELA experiment
  78. Germanenko Aleksei (PGI). Real time determination of the RSP characteristics on the base of neutron monitor data
  79. Morozova Anna (MSU). Flavor and “charge” ratios of high-energy atmospheric neutrinos depending on cosmic-ray spectrum and composition
  80. Vasilyev Gennady (Ioffe Institute). Isotope traces of super-powerful solar events
  81. Огурцов М.Г. (ФТИ им. Иоффе). Реконструкция солнечного модуляционного параметра за последние шесть веков на основе данных по потоку 10Ве во льдах Гренландии
  82. Makhmutov Vladimir (LPI RAS). Temporal and spectral features of the cosmic ray variations recorded by ground-based instruments in November-December, 2016
  83. Zharaspayev Temir (MEPhI). High-energy proton flux at the atmospheric boundary of the inner radiation belt
  84. Barenbaum Azariy (OGRI RAS). Происхождение космических лучей: новый подход к решению проблемы
[ RAS ] [ NRNU MEPhI ] @ 2024